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FES Flourish Formula Kinder-Garden Spray 30ml Discount


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Flourish: To thrive and prosper; to achieve  success and fare well; to express with artistry and flare; to reach higher development and excellence. Latin: florire, flor (flower)

Flower essence therapy, founded by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, is based on the profound understanding of the vibrational healing properties of flowers. All cultures throughout the world cherish a soul language of flowers for expressing deeper forms of healing and sacred awareness. Flowers impart vibrational energy patterns of vibrant life force, expressive form, ethereal colour and beauty. They help the human soul to flourish by developing this same flowering capacity.

True to their name, the Flourish line of FES flower essence formulas is designed to achieve the highest potential of body-soul wellness. The Flourish line is the result of many years of research, involving plant studies, case reports submitted by practitioners around the world, clinical interviews, and extensive use in natural disaster relief.

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Most formulas, or their key components, have been used for more than a decade. Many formulas have been revised or re-named as research has developed.

Key Benefits

  • A baseline formula for all children from infancy to pre-adolescence championing the inherent light within the child; helping the soul of the child to find expression and self-esteem
  • For any developmental challenges in the child such as learning impediments, emotional trauma, or inappropriate sexual disturbance in the child due to abuse or related cultural influences
  • During any time of crisis or dissolution in the child’s family, at school or in the community – such as divorce, death or natural disaster
  • As a general protection against hardening or disturbing influences that disrupt the natural learning rhythms of the child, such as technology, travel, or homelessness
  • To assist in the over-all harmony of thinking, feeling and willing forces in the child; when the child may develop mental or physical abilities beyond the soul’s capacity for balance and moral advancement
    • Ingredients

      • Angelica – Helping the child to feel alignment with and protection from the spiritual world; counteracting hardening and materialistic forces that stymie the child’s spiritual identity
        Chamomile – Soothing and calming for the emotional center (solar plexus) of the child; harmonizing fluctuations in the feeling life, poor sleep or fickle appetite
        Pink Yarrow – Providing clarity and definition for diffuse boundaries or an overly-porous sense of self; integration of the child’s natural sensitivity with appropriate containment and centering
        Chicory – Inner security and emotional freedom; counteracting negative attention measures, neediness or tantrums; re-directing psychic currents of energy to build heart forces that give and receive freely
        Mariposa Lily – Helping the child to receive nurturing and love; especially bolstering the mother-child bond and healing birth or family-related trauma
        Buttercup – Encouraging the pure light of the child to shine forth; helping feelings of self-doubt or low self-esteem that diminish the natural radiance of the child
        Downy Avens – To help ground the mental consciousness of the child so that it remains in vibrant harmony with core feelings; thinking which develops through the avenue of the heart and moral perception; soul healing for Attention Deficit and related disorders
        Essential Oils: Orange, Chamomile, Ylang Ylang

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