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NUTRIBIOTIC Ear Drops 30ml Hot on Sale


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Nutribiotic Ear Drops are formulated to provide support and correct, healthy functioning of the ear canal in adults and children. Use Nutribiotic Ear Drops to help clear up middle ear infections, or if you are experiencing ear ache or ear canal blockages. 2 or 3 drops in the affected ear (1 drop for children) should provide relief. Repeat up to 3 times daily.
Nutribiotic Ear Drops also contain tea tree oil, a well known antiseptic. Grapefruit seed extract has been shown to have anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, also being non-toxic makes it more attractive to those concerned with excessive exposure to chemical and synthetic preparations.
Nutribiotic Ear Drops With Grapefruit Seed Extract are useful to have on hand if undertaking air travel, or any time significant altitude changes have the potential to cause ear blockages or ear aches. It s important not to use concentrated grapefruit seed extract directly in the ears, and Nutribiotic Ear Drops With Grapefruit Seed Extract are formulated to have the correct dose of grapefruit seed extract to have a beneficial effect.
Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, alcohol, Citricidal® brand grapefruit seed extract (0.5%), and tea tree oil.

BuyNUTRIBIOTIC Ear Drops 30mlOnline


  • Vegetable Glycerine, Alcohol, Grapefruit Seed Extract 0.5% And Tea Tree Oil
    • NUTRIBIOTIC Ear Drops 30ml on sale!

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      • Vegetarian
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