Nat Sulph is called the water eliminating tissue salt. It is thus the main remedy for water retention. It is also strongly associated with the liver and gall bladder. This tissue salt is essential for the proper digestion of sugars and starches and for the effective withdrawal of water from the cells. Buy Martin &…
Calc Fluor is present in the surface of the bones, in the enamel of the teeth and in the elastic fibres of the skin and blood vessels. It is responsible for all the elasticity within the body – deficiencies can lead to varicose veins, over relaxed organs, hardened glands, stretched ligaments. Buy Martin & Pleasance…
Calc Phos is the most abundant tissue salt in the body. It is found in the bones, teeth, and connective tissue, blood corpuscles and gastric juices. Calc Phos unites with albumin giving solidity to the bones and building the teeth. Bone is 57% Calcium Phosphate. It is the main constituent of all cells of the…
Calc Sulph is found in the liver where it helps in the removal of waste products from the blood stream and it has a cleansing and purifying influence throughout the system. This tissue salt influences the formation of connective and supportive tissue in the body supporting the growth of new cells. Calc Sulph is of…
Calc Sulph is found in the liver where it helps in the removal of waste products from the blood stream and it has a cleansing and purifying influence throughout the system. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Calc Sulph Blood Cleanser Spray 30ml Online & Save This tissue salt influences the formation of connective…
A general tonic to be taken during times of hard work, nervous strain or mental fatigue. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb 12 General Tonic 125t Online & Save Key Benefits Gluten Free Suitable For Vegetarians Ingredients Calc fluor (Calcium flouride), Calc phos (Calcium phosphate), Calc sulph (Calcium sulphate), Ferr phos (Ferrum phosphate),…
A general tonic to be taken during times of hard work, nervous strain or mental fatigue. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb 12 General Tonic 250t Online & Save Key Benefits Gluten Free Suitable For Vegetarians Ingredients Calc fluor (Calcium flouride), Calc phos (Calcium phosphate), Calc sulph (Calcium sulphate), Ferr phos (Ferrum phosphate),…
Martin Pleasance Tissue Salts Comb 5 Nerve Tonic 125T. Tissue Salts are micro-doses of the body’s 12 essential minerals. These minerals are important for the functioning and health of the body. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb 5 Nerve Tonic 125t Online & Save If deficiency or imbalance occurs, common ailments or illness…
A safe reliable remedy for nerve troubles, neuralgic pain, want of energy and allied conditions associated with debility. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb 5 Nerve Tonic Spray 30ml Online & Save Assists with Anxiety, Neuralgic Pain, General Debility Key Benefits Gluten Free Suitable For Vegetarians Ingredients Calc phos (Calcium phosphate), Mag phos…
Martin Pleasance Tissue Salts Comb C Acidity 125T. Sufferers from indigestion or dyspepsia will know all about the consequent uncomfortable symptoms Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb C Acidity 125t Online & Save It can be acidity caused by over production of stomach acid, or heartburn caused by reflux of stomach acid. Combination…
Martin Pleasance Tissue Salts Comb E Indigestion 125T. Flatulence causes distension of the stomach or intestines which can produce colicky pains, though these are often the result of indigestion. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb E Indigestion 125t Online & Save Whether these or other symptoms of indigestion occur singly or together they…
Martin Pleasance Tissue Salts Comb F Fatigue 125T may assist with fatigue from nervous headaches, migraine and associated conditions. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb F Fatigue 125t Online & Save Nervous headaches are usually brought on by physical response to stress and can be disabling. Migraine headaches are periodic throbbing headaches which…
Martin Pleasance Tissue Salts Comb G Lumbago 125T. At some time in life most people experience backache. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb G Lumbago 125t Online & Save Lumbago is backache in the lumbar region of the spine. Backache seems to dominate life when present and so sufferers need to try Combination…
Martin Pleasance Tissue Salts Comb H Hayfever 125T. Hayfever is an allergic condition of the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and upper respiratory tract. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb H Hayfever 125t Online & Save It is common during spring when sensitivity to pollen is severe, but it is very treatable…
Martin & Pleasance Tissue Salts Comb I Fibrositis 125T. Fibrositis and muscular pain-sometimes called muscular rheumatism is marked by pain and stiffness. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb I Fibrositis 125t Online & Save It is caused by inflammation of the sheaths surrounding the muscle fibres which are involved with body movement. Combination…
The autumn and winter seasonal remedy. The common cold with its unpleasant symptoms of runny nose, sneezing and catarrh is often “caught” when the body’s resistance is lowered. Buy Martin & Pleasance Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb J Congestion 125t Online & Save Often these symptoms are followed by a cough and slight chest condition. Should…